Cedar City Sleep Disorder

Categories: Sleeping disorders

Sleeping disorders, treatments

Cedar City Sleep Disorder
Cedar City Sleep Disorder

If you have sleep apnea, you are aware that it’s scary and that it can cause hindrance to your health. Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing becomes shallow during sleep, possibly even stopping completely. This can occur many times per night, possibly hundreds. This can leave you feeling exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep. At Corry Dental, we’re pleased to offer options to treat you if you have a Cedar City sleep disorder, so don’t think you have to just live with it. There are serious consequences to ignoring sleep apnea, including potential heart problems.

One popular method for addressing your Cedar City sleep disorder is called CPAP. This is a machine that keeps your airway open as you sleep. And while it’s very effective for many people, not everyone can wear it. Furthermore, because it operates on electricity, it is not suitable for any situation in which you won’t have easy access to an outlet. Despite its well-deserved reputation for how well it works, some people do find it to be uncomfortable to use or have an intolerance for it. Among the symptoms that are associated with this are nasal congestion, bloating, anxiety, headaches, dry mouth, and continued drowsiness.

The good news is that if CPAP is not suitable for you, it doesn’t mean that you are out of luck when it comes to treating your Cedar City sleep disorder. We also have a treatment that utilizes an oral appliance, which typically achieves outstanding results without the drawbacks and problems that are sometimes linked to CPAP. With oral appliances, they advance the lower jaw and move the base of the tongue forward. This allows your airway to remain open as you sleep. It is fitted to your teeth in much the same way as a retainer or night guard would be. Most patients report that it’s comfortable to wear and easy to use, even when away from home. Best of all, our dentist has the experience and expertise in treating sleep apnea that will let you feel confident in the outcome, whether CPAP or an oral appliance is the best choice.

427 S. Main St.
Cedar City, UT 84720